The federal ACA filing deadline for the 2024 tax year is March 31, 2025. Learn what’s required to comply and avoid IRS penalties and how Trusaic can help.
ACA Compliance
Absent accurate data tracking, you are at risk of being out of ACA compliance. Learn how Trusaic’s ACA software solves this critical issue for employers.
The IRS is now sending Letter 5699 for the 2023 tax year. Learn what it means if you receive one and how to respond effectively to avoid penalties.
Learn why Trusaic’s ACA compliance software isn’t just another filing tool — it’s a strategic compliance solution designed by experts and trusted by employers.
ACA reporting season for the 2024 tax year is rapidly approaching. Ensure you are prepared to furnish and file by required deadlines to avoid IRS penalties.
Does your ACA solution have bi-directional integrations with Workday and UKG? If not, it can put your compliance at risk. Trusaic’s ACA software has you covered.
Don’t experience rejection with your 2024 tax year ACA filings. Learn the most common reasons for IRS rejections, and how to ensure you avoid them.
New legislation modifies ACA 1095-C furnishing obligations for employers, among other changes. We dive into what you need to know to ensure compliance.
New legislation updated ACA 1095-C furnishing rules also includes a set statute of limitations provision of six years. Learn what this means for compliance.
Employers can avoid large IRS penalty amounts by identifying errors before ACA filing and furnishing. Learn how Trusaic’s penalty risk assessment tool helps.
California employers must furnish 1095-C forms to employees by January 31, 2025 to satisfy one element of the state’s individual mandate under the ACA.
Inaccurate or incomplete data from payroll and benefits systems can result in costly penalties. Learn how to reconcile and validate this data effectively.
Employers are left exposed to hidden ACA compliance risks, which leads to hefty IRS penalties that are easily avoidable. Learn how Trusaic’s solution can help.
The passage of two recent acts of legislation modify ACA furnishing obligations for Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) and could make compliance more onerous. Under the Employer Reporting and Improvement Act …
The IRS has begun sending Letter 226J penalty notices for ACA non-compliance. Learn how Trusaic can help you efficiently respond to avoid penalties.
There are no significant ACA reporting changes for the 2024 tax year. Learn what’s required and how to expedite your 1095-C form filing and furnishing process within Trusaic’s platform.
As the Donald Trump administration gets set to take office, we outline changes we’d like to see to the ACA to improve healthcare quality and affordability.
The Affordable Care Act is unlikely to be repealed under Donald Trump presidency. However, there could be some ACA compliance changes for employers.
Trusaic’s new integration with UKG Ready provides users with unparalleled access to seamless and simplified ACA compliance, including 1095-C form filing.
The Affordable Care Act is unlikely to be repealed under Donald Trump presidency. However, there could be some ACA compliance changes for employers.
There are six common challenges employers are confronted with for ACA compliance. Learn how to overcome these challenges for the upcoming filing season.
The proposed rule would require employers’ health plans to cover over-the-counter contraception at no additional cost to employees under ACA.
The IRS has released final versions of its ACA forms for the 2024 tax year. Learn what changes have been made and how to comply ahead of the deadlines for …
Open enrollment for 2025 health plans begins Nov. 1, 2024. Learn the most common ACA compliance mistakes and how to avoid them with enrollment ramping up.
The IRS updated its affordability threshold for the 2025 tax year to 9.02%. This is an increase from 8.39% in 2024, and employers should prepare accordingly.
The Look-Back Measurement Method is a valuable tool for employers to monitor and measure their employees’ hours of service to avoid costly IRS penalties.
A common compliance challenge under the ACA for employers is correctly identifying FTEs and the associated ACA obligations. Doing so accurately will ensure you avoid costly IRS penalties.
The Affordable Care Act is unlikely to be repealed under Donald Trump presidency. However, there could be significant ACA compliance changes for employers.
Complying with the Affordable Care Act as an applicable large employer carries additional weight. Learn what’s required to avoid costly IRS penalties.
Complying with the Affordable Care Act requires acute attention to detail. Learn the most common obstacles to ACA compliance and how to overcome them.